Boost Yield in Sesame

Adding the power of air to your header with a Crary® air system has proven to boost yield in a variety of crops. Did you know that it also is highly effective at reducing loss in sesame too? With the growing popularity of this crop and high value, it’s more important than ever before to make sure the maximum amount of your harvest makes it to the hopper. The U.S. sesame industry was valued around 3.9B USD in 2024 and is expected to surpass 5.1B USD by 2034.*

Check out the in-field tests carried out with the Crary Wind System™ in Brazil on this years’ sesame harvest.

Field Test  – Sesame Harvest in Brazil

Sesame It has become a very important crop in the state of Mato Grosso due to its low planting costs and very good returns. The average harvest is between 600 and 1,000 kilograms per hectare. The biggest difficulty is harvesting. When the seed is ready for harvest, it is loose in an open pod. When the reel touches the plant a good part of the seeds fall on the ground and on the harvester’s cutting bar and are lost.

The Crary Wind System (CWS) arrived in the state to practically save sesame losses. In addition to the CWS, some farmers remove 50% of the reel bars and place a guard to prevent the seeds from being blown off the platform.

In 2022, Brazil exported 41 thousand tons of sesame, in 2023 it exported 151 thousand tons, an increase of 257%. The average price per ton of sesame for export is US$1,400.00 to US$1,500.00

Example of test results carried out in Mato Grosso with Sesame being harvested using Crary Wind System

The collection is done with this device below which has the following dimensions:

12.59 in x 36.22 in = 456 square inches

This device is placed between the sesame lines.


The collections were done at several points and done only with the loss on the header.

Below are examples of collection and % of seed recovery.


  • Farm São Luis

Local: Canarana – Mato Grosso – Brazil

Sesame Variety : K3

Collection area: 456 square inches


  • Area harvested with CWS turned off

Sesame Collected  : 2.8 grams (0.0987 oz)

This is 84.75 pounds per Acre (95 Kg per Hectare)

  • Area harvested with CWS ON

Sesame collected: 0.7 grams (0.247 oz)

This is 20.52 pounds per Acre (23 Kg per Hectare)



The CWS recovered 63 pounds per Acre (71.3 kg per hectare) 

The loss reduction was 75%.

  • Farm Name – Not provided

Sesame Variety : K3

             Local : Nova Xavantina  – Mato Grosso – Brazil

Collection area: 456 square inches


  • Area harvested with CWS turned off

Sesame Collected  : 0.776 oz (2.2 grams)

This is 66.64 pounds per Acre (74.7 Kg per Hectare)


  • Area harvested with CWS turned ON

Sesame Collected  : 0.14 oz (0.4 grams)

This is 12.04 pounds  per Acre (13.5  Kg per Hectare)


The CWS recovered 55.5 pounds per Acre (61.2 kg per hectare)

The loss reduction was 81%.


* Sesame Seeds Market Size – By Product, By Category, By End Use, By Distribution Channel Analysis, Share, Growth Forecast, 2025 – 2034, January 2025